Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Better Late Then Never!

 So Christmas has come and gone, and it went way to fast! We enjoyed it though so much. This Christmas with the kids was so much fun! Santa coming was so exciting for them so it was so fun for us. I hated putting the Christmas decor away because it makes the house feel empty and because it is the biggest pain in the whole world!! But once I get it all taken down and put away I feel wonderful and so organized! New Years was way fun to. We went to Cody's parents house and ate basically all night and played some games. I can't wait to see what the new year holds for us. Resolutions: Have family home evening every week, Save money, Loose weight, Learn to cook healthy new meals! Just a few, but seriously going to do it this year. And looking forward to hopefully getting my back fixed and being pain free. Sad to say my first injection hasn't really done much to the pain but I'm still trying to be positive and willing to get a few more if I have to. Whatever I have to do I will, leaving surgery as my last option. Please bless this works for me! I don't know how many epidurals into my spine I can take, but surgery would be way worse so I am staying positive. Enough with the Debbie Downer! I just want to say how proud of my family I am. We went through quite a bit this last year, March Rand and Trev's wedding, June sweet baby Elliot was born, July lost our precious grandma, August Rei and Jace's wedding. And still through all these major events we stood by each other and helped each other get through it all. Happy times, stressful times and sad times we were all always there for each other, and I can honestly say we are all closer then we have ever been! So I am thankful for all the trials and blessings in our life. It makes you realize that family is the most important thing in life and to cherish it. Love you all so much!
Santa came!
East just waking up
Eryn just waking up
Say cheese!
She loved her new kitchen
Got a buck BB gun
Got a Tangled dolly
Got Evil Dr. Pork Chop


  1. Gosh I don't know what it is about getting older and getting more emotional but it happens! I love ya seester! You're one of my best friends! Thanks for the post :)

  2. I loved this post, seriously we had a crazy summer! I love you dearly!
