So I have to start off by saying "We are getting a new stroller frame"!! Yes after my horrible handle braking experience last Thursday at the dinosaur park, and having to push it around by the cup holders, I was a little ticked off that a stroller of that quality broke like it did! So I called the company and they said to take pictures and e mail them with a brief message of what happened. So I did and they replied saying sorry for my issues with the stroller and that they would be sending me a new stroller frame!! I am just so excited that we do not have to go buy a new one! And to add to the good news our basement is now totally sheet rocked and ready for some tile and finish work! As soon as Cody gets home from hunting he will get to do it all! Yay Cody! No, I really think he actually enjoys it, or I hope he does! Love ya Hun and all the hard work you have put into the basement. It's going to be so nice when it is all finished! Can't wait!! Oh and my Halloween calendar count down is finished!! I saw the idea on studio 5 one day and decided I wanted to make one. I kind of forced a few people to make one too, but I hope they like theirs and had fun because I love mine! Even though I was up til midnight a few days this week stitching, it was worth it. It turned out so cute! Have a good weekend!