Tuesday, August 2, 2011


  Well Karate started for Easton about the middle of July and he couldn't be more excited about it. He loves it and loves his Sensei Josh Durbin. His first class went really well. He is actually right up there with the other boys that have already been there for a while so we were so glad. The first day he learned about 10 blocks, 2 different kicks and a set of punches called Punching Kata One. The next time at class Sensei asked him which ones he remembered and he remembered all of them! That's when we knew he was really into this and we got really excited for him! His first belt test was coming up in 3 weeks so we did everything we could to help him practice and remember all the moves and blocks. This last Friday was the belt test and East did so good! He advanced to a yellow belt after only 3 weeks! We are so proud of him!! He probably could have skipped the yellow and tested for the orange but we wanted him to have a ceremony for each belt, so next time he will be testing for the orange belt. Last night at class they learned the Punching Kata Two and it is a little more intense but this morning I asked him if he remembered it and he did! We are just so glad that he is getting it and loves it so much! Oh and if your wondering, yes, we are watching karate kid at least once a day. He's got to act out the part ya know!! And if you want to see some crazy good karate moves check out his Sensei Josh Durbin on you tube. He is amazing!!


  1. he has great posture! he looks so happy and like he is freaking good at it! that's so cool!

  2. Where do you take him? Claire seems to think she would like to take karate...I don't know about that!

  3. Oh my word i absolutely love it! When did he let you spike his hair??

  4. Dude I wouldn't want to mess with that kayrate kid!!! I seriously just want to give him a giant hug because I love him so much!!! I can't believe how big he is and how proud I am of him!
