Monday, September 12, 2011

Soccer What!?!

So this is Easton's first year of soccer and you can totally tell ha ha! He is just not the aggressive type so usually he is just running behind the herd trying to catch up and maybe getting a foot on the ball a couple times a game. Oh but when we yell Go East Go Get The Ball he turns on those after burners baby and puts his head down and runs balls out just like Cody ha ha. It is the cutest most funny thing ever but at least he is hustling. Sometimes he just likes to play tag on the field or ya know, just practice some karate kicks. Whatever he feels like. We just die laughing but wow it's a good time. Here are some pics!

Beckham giving him some tips ha ha

Not even listening to coach but totally listening to Gavin

Showing them some moves

Giving the kid that always scores high five

Running to the herd

Playing tag with Gavin

Practicing karate kicks


  1. Oh my word I just died laughing at all 3 of your posts. Well not the craft one... I just love your kids so freakin much it hurts! Oh man, they crack me up!

  2. hahaha East is sooo funny. That's hilarious that he doesn't not give a darn about chasing that stupid ball... neither did I! The last picture looks like a pretty good cartwheel though!
